SprinteD: A SCRUM Inspired Project Management Software

Posted by Janani Kehelwala on November 19, 2015 · 6 mins read Archived

SprinteD is a project management tool designed for individual use. It borrows from the Kanban-board of Scrum Project Management and presents a lightweight application for individual users to keep track of their many projects or any other undertaking they might want to pursue.

SprinteD application splits any plan into 4 aspects. The top container would be Endeavors. Endeavors contain Lists (Columns). Lists contain Activities. Activities contain children activities and notes. Major tasks such as projects and any achievement users are pursuing are called “Endeavors”. The default endeavor is called “General” and could be used as a management tool in day to day life. Users can add new endeavors to manage separately, edit their settings and remove them once they are done with.So to summarize the scope, SprinteD can do the following for you.

  • Adding projects
  • Keeping track of
    • Project activities
    • Research concepts
    • Ideas
    • Product backlog
  • Nested child activities
  • Drag and drop functionality that imitates a real SCRUM board
  • Tested in Windows, Linux and Android environments

Each Endeavor will have maximum of 8 lists. They are grouped into 3 sections by the functionality they allow for their activities. They are color coded and easily recognizable in the application.

ToDo These lists will have the ability for activities to be moved between each other as their status alters with time. Once any children activities are added they will only have these 3 lists for their management.
Recurring Activities in these lists will have the possibility of being copied to any of the above mentioned lists. They will not contain child activities and they will not have the ability to be moved.
Product Backlog These lists will have the ability for activities to be moved between each other. Their children activities will follow the same functionality in their respective lists.
Done Deliverables

Not all endeavors will have a product to be delivered. Users can define if the particular endeavor has a product, and if not the Product backlog and Done Deliverables lists will not be displayed in that endeavor. The same rule applies to the Recurring list. ToDo, Doing, Done, Ideas and Research lists would be available in all endeavors because these aspects can be considered universal in any undertaking.

An important aspect in the creation of an endeavor is defining the number of weeks the user wants to partition as a sprint. Activities would be grouped according their sprints in the view with an option to view all activities.

Activities can be added to any list of choice. They can be defined with an optional due date, number of points (Activity Points, User Story Points, Hours or any other choice of measurement).

Activities can have child activities and notes. Child activities provide maximum functionality for sectioning subtasks and managing them. Child activities can also have children, and so on.

Each activity, irrespective of the list they belong to can contain any number of notes. Notes will have a rich text section, and an optional ability to add numeric values and tag these values. This is to provide user with the possibility of integrating cost calculations and time management aspects manually through the database in case documentation is required.

The Settings menu allows the user to take manual backups of the database and to move default location of the database to another directory.

Platform Previews

The application was primarily developed for Desktop use. Therefore this application is not touch optimized or built with the material design concepts required to deploy on a mobile device. Android deployment was merely done to assess portability of the C++ code with QT framework and to give the option to the user to use it in their mobile if required.