There is a lot of well-informed literature regarding how to choose your research topic, how to conduct the literature review, how to write the thesis or a paper, and there would be no point in me covering them all over again. But, in most cases as I’ve seen with my colleagues, lack of foresight regarding your writing process, and the general ambiguity of research process will harm your productivity greatly even if you follow such instructions to-the-teeth. Unless of course, you know what to prepare for! This works out well in some cases (speaking from experience). While the head-scratching phase of what to pursue for research is going on, there’s a lot of practical progress to make and fortunately, you can cross them off quite easily, very early on. Here are some practical tips you’d better be aware of before starting your writing.
I will start off with tools, and get to some writing/researching tips in a later post.
There’s the obvious choice, which came with your operating system of choice. But wait, there are some very specific issues to think of when it comes to a large document which is alive. What do I mean by “alive”? Let me list some possible concerns.
These are just some nuances of word processing software. So what’s the answer?
LaTeX and a text editor you’re comfortable with, of course. Using latex will never go amiss. The point here is that you need a more granular control over an alive document which needs branching off, and through version controlling and a review before permanent commitment. (This is actually same for something like your CV. It has to adjust to each job).
You will have to start learning Latex. It’s a wonderful language that will make you suffer when it comes to setting it up locally. But there’s always online latex editors such as Overleaf which will simplify that process. Still, you would have to get a paid subscription for git integration so it won’t all be roses. If you do set it up locally, you do this once and everything else would be very easy. I personally use overleaf for assignments, and use the local git repository for thesis document.
To sell this a little bit more, let me tell you a story. A thesis template being of a known standard, I scoured our university website for one, and adjusted my styling properties accordingly way before I’ve even chosen a research topic. This was a slightly old template, and a few days before the submission date, my supervisor asked me to update it in some aspects. Because I had set it up on latex, I barely had to look at the document after doing the required change.
Perks and Idiosyncrasies of LaTeX
What should we expect from a reference manager?
Of course the reference property data maintenance can be done simply by obtaining the BibTex reference (.bib file) from Google Scholar itself. But I would recommend using something like Mendeley, and here’s why.
Pros and Cons of Mendeley
So, as I mentioned above, I am enjoying a well maintained writing environment. To give a little more insight into what that looks like, behold! Following is my directory structure, more or less.
│ .gitconfig
│ .gitignore
│ main.tex
│ write-done.bib
│ write-to.bib
│ research.bib
│ pdflatex_bib.bat
│ removefields.rsc
│ │ img.png
│ │ tabular_data.csv
│ └───diagrams
│ original_img.drawio
│ university_styles.tex
│ user_defined.tex
│ backmatter.tex
│ frontmatter.tex
│ │ abstract.tex
│ │ title.tex
│ └───frontmatter
│ acknowledgment.tex
│ cover.tex
│ declaration.tex
│ dedication.tex
│ table_lists.tex
│ abbreviations.tex
│ appendices.tex
│ chapter01.tex
│ chapter02.tex
│ appendix01.tex
│ chapter01_01.tex
│ chapter01_02.tex
I compile these files into the “target” folder and copy the final PDF back to the working directory for the TexWorks to render. To do this and some other optimizations, I use a windows batch file. But moving on to setting all this up,
So in case for some reason you end up using Bibtool, (I use it to reformat/reorder my entries for more clarity in git commits, and to remove some unnecessary fields Mendeley populates.), you will have to set up a batch file and add the needed executables to the path, or call it through TexWork Typesetting like I do. So my batch file contains the following. Arguments 1 and 2 are fullname and basename of the file, main.tex vs main
bibtool.exe -q -s -r build\removefields.rsc -i bib\write-done.bib -o bib\research.bib
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex -aux-directory="target" "%1"
biber.exe --output-directory "target" "%2"
makeglossaries.exe -d "target" "%2"
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex -aux-directory="target" "%1"
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex -aux-directory="target" "%1"
TexMaker is used by me for one purpose only, which is counting the words in the compiled document. Yes, I understand it’s overkill but Tex Editors count the latex code as well and god forbid there’s an easier way for PDF readers to calculate this. Last but not least, I get rid of all the warnings and most errors by replicating the troublesome code in Overleaf. It is a very useful tool when the whole debugging process requires recompilation over and over.
So this concludes the end of the tools section. I will move on to some practical tips such as research logging, and continuous editing and in which scenarios they became useful in a follow up post.
The goal here is not to convince you to use the tools I have recommended. The goal is to show you that a little forethought can save you a lot of trouble down the road. You can make a conscious choice about the unnecessary problems you think are not worth your time when you’re pressed for it, and solve them preemptively. In any case, any tool you use should simply make your delivery lean and comfortable to you.